Monday, January 31, 2005

Sketch of the Day (Or Week, Depends on the time I have)

Well I was thinking, it's all and good that I have done some reviews and recommendations of DVDs, sites, etc. but that isn't really that creative. I thought, hey I like to draw and I don't do it enough, maybe I can do something like "Sketch of the Day". Here we are now, my first sketch of the day. It's a bit quick and didn't come out really like I wanted (plus the scan doesn't seem to pick up much of my shading), but here is my first.

(Click for larger size)

It is a quick sketch of A.J.'s Chevy Blazer. I drew it because I was out with both A.J. and Rachael moving stuff and going to stores.

Hopefully better sketches (and scans) in the future.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

"thebroken", New Episodes Coming

Well let me first start out by saying I used to watch a show on TechTV whenever I could (though without satelite it was few and far between) called The Screen Savers.

My lovely Photoshop work for the last incarnatin of The Screen Savers before the downward spiral:

(click for larger picture)

Well a few members from this show (some infront of the camera, some behind the scenes) created an internet show called thebroken in which they talk about the dark side of tech, with some comedy (Hacking with Ramzi) and social engineering thown in as well (free pizza for life). They currently only made 3 episodes but after a long break and a move to LA, the crew has the equiment and the money to pursue both new episodes of thebroken and also some other tech related videos (much like the original Screen Savers show). I for one am glad to see this because recently bought, merged, and moved many of the cast down to LA. After a couple of months they went and fired many of the best cast members and so now it more or less revolves around gaming (now don't get me wrong I have no problems with gaming but I really don't need to watch people play games when I can be at a friends how actually playing them myself, I want the tech news, I want the latest gadgets and software). Go to their site and download their current episodes and check it out (DIVX required):

The two main hosts of thebroken are:

Dan "the foo" Huard (
Kevin Rose

For thebroken and/or new tech segments guests might include:

Alex Albrecht (Host of The Screen Savers, but was fired by G4)
Yoshi (no not the character in Mario)
Sarah Lane

And I'm sure others..., Great Flash Cartoons

I was told about a couple of years ago by a friend and had no idea what it expect. Well the next few days when being really bored at work I literally sat there and watched tons and tons of these flash cartoons. These are some of the funniest cartoons I have seen, even funnier than many cartoons on TV.

The site is based on a character named Homestarrunner (Duh), quite brainless, quite funny.

Just check out this Introduction.


But by the the funniest charater on this website is Strongbad. He has his own, used to be weekly but now it's every once and a while, cartoon where he answers emails from fans. This is where the hilarity begins.


Take a look, trust me you will be there for hours.

One Day, One Item:

What is Woot! do you say? No, it's not me cheering, it's a new kind of e-commerce website, These people randomly put up one item for sale every week day (12am CST Monday-Friday, So if say you are on the west coast it's Sunday-Thursday at 10pm). The item stays up for sale until the next night's item or until it sells out. The thing about the items are they are generally offered at a greatly reduced cost (limit 3 per customer). For example:

Woot offered this:

iPod+HP 40GB MP3 Player
$319.99 after $50 Mail in Rebate + $5 Shipping

Where if you bought this elsewhere:

Sometimes they have some great items, sometimes not so much. It's worth a look. And hey every once in a while they offer their famous "Bag O' Crap" which costs $1 + $5 shipping. It's essentially the mystery bag, you never know what you are going to get: Could be a hockey puck, could be a Tivo. They also have photoshop contests where can win money prizes which are pretty cool too.

New to DVD: MacGyver Season One

Well what do you know, good ol' MacGyver is back (Well technically it is on at least twice a day, once on TV Land and once on SpikeTV).

It was definately a great show for the time (1986). It is up there with A-Team and Knight Rider. I have briefly looked at the dvds. There is a outer slip case and inside there are six separate plastic dvd holder, each with a short description of what is on the disk on the outside. The show itself is as clear if not more clear than when broadcast on dvd, they probably did a bit of cleanup for the dvd release but as with many older shows the audio is all basically in the center speaker (for surround) since it is in Dolby Mono.

Overall it is work it, especially since at Amazon you can pick it up for only $27.29 which includes free shipping because it is over $25 (also depending on where you are buying from they won't charge sales tax). If you want to purchase MacGyver you can do so from

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Real Items?!? Peja Stojakovic Toothbrush

Well lets start by saying I've been a Sacramento Kings fan for many years, through all the bad times. Well I am always surprised when I see ads featuring Kings players. This item has to be the strangest I have seen though.

The story behind it: A.J. and Rachael were shopping for food last night, Rachael saw it and thought she should buy it for me. So I was presented with it last night. Now the question, should I actually use it or keep it in its original package, or on another note, do I think that Peja should be cleaning my teeth.

Thanks Rachael, :)...I think it's worth it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

In Memory of Richard Cragin Shepard


(Click for larger picture)

Today we had the funeral service for my grandpa. It emotional for everyone but now he is not suffering and is at rest. I am lucky because with my family everyone is really close on both of my parents sides. I have grown up with a very loving and caring extended family. I know the passing of my grandpa will bring many changes that I do not look forward to, changing of traditions during the holidays because we will be selling my grandpa's house (which is where we always have family gatherings), the possibilities of people moving away, but with all this I am greatfull for all that I have been privilaged to be a part of.

Our very large family

(Click for larger picture)

Monday, January 24, 2005

My First DVD Review: Pi

Image Hosted by
Rated R
Runtime 85 min

My Rating 8/10

The first thing that you notice about this movie is it's filming style. Director Darren Aronofsky chose to film the movie in black and white with a grainy aged look. This look almost draws you in to Max's (Main Character) dark and dreary existance. Max, a mathematician, believes that everything in the universe follows a pattern and can be represented in numbers. His pet project at which he takes no breaks from day in and day out is his attempt at predicting the stock market but this ultimate attempt leads down a dangerous path. Max also deals with constant headaches and bloody noses which happen at random. All while this is going on Max is pursued by a Wall Street firm to use his knowledge for their own gain. At the same time a member of a Kaballah sect begins his pursuit of Max as well, but to convert him. In his conversations he shows Max about the numbers that underly their texts. One day Max's computer crashes as he prints out some future predictions on stock quotes and a string of 216 numbers that he believes is a glitch. He later finds out that the stock quotes are correct but he didn't keep the digits. He also finds out the Kaballah are trying to decode their texts for a string of 216 characters (which translates to 216 numbers). Max sees this as a sign and trys to find the same string he already generated. With the help of the Wall Street firm giving him a new CPU to replace his broken one he finds the 216 digit string. Both the Kaballah and the Wall Street firm pursue him in attemts to get the string which they believe is the secret to both their problems. The Wall Street firm believes that this string will allow them to predict the stock market and the Kaballah believe the 216 character string is the true name of God. Max memorized the string and won't divulge it. He believes that you must understand not just the numbers but also the meanings "between the numbers". In the end the headaches, blackouts and his knowledge lead Max to literally try and remove his knowledge of the string by drilling a hole in his head...

A very powerfull movie and well made.

I definately recommend it.

What Can I Offer? Movie Reviews? DVDs? TV Shows? Online Deals?

Well I was thinking about what I could offer at my blog that would maybe bring a few extra people here. So I thought, I watch quite a few dvds (one's I own and one's I rent). I could just state my opinion about what I watch. Also, if I see some great deal or electronic item I'll also mention it here. Who knows, maybe I'll even give out free gmail invites from time to time, only time will tell.

Fox's 24: Great Show!

Currently on television I don't think there are very many good shows on. A lot of what I watch are either sporting events or TV staples like The Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, Arrested Development. My current favorite show though is '24'.

I have been watching it since the beginning and on the overall it is great. In the words of one of my friends, "It's IN..TENSE!!!" It is on Monday nights at 9PM on FOX. If you have never seen it or come into it in the middle of a season it can get a bit confusing because each 1 hour episode is in "real time". 24 episodes = 1 day in the life of Jack Bauer. Season one he stopped an assination attempt, season two he saved LA from an atomic bomb and also prevented the US from going to war with false pretenses, and season 3 he saved the US from a biological threat. Needless to say Jack Bauer has had 3 really bad days. This season so far he is trying to save the secretary of state from being executed by terrorists inside the US (I'm sure there will be more to it after tonight). Check it out, awesome show.

EDIT: Man Tonight's show starts out with a bang and never lets up. Can't wait until next week (thank goodness there are no weeks off this season).

Apartment Fire...Weird Coincidence!?!

I heard Saturday from A.J. that there was a fire in his complex in the laundry room (not too sure about other damage except for smoke damage)...well technically he had me read his blog. Well coincidentally a person I had been in contact with relating to the job I am currently in the running for posted on his blog (which I randomly checked) about a fire in a laundry room at his apartment complex. Obvioulsy they live in the same complex only minutes from where I live. Very interesing.

Here is a lovely excerpt from A.J.'s blog:
"Lunch FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Lunch

...this annoying noise turns out to be my apartments fire alarm. A lot starts going through my mind at this point, mainly trying to figure out how to get Abby some place safe without access to a pet carrier...Turns out one of the maintenance parts of one of the laundry facilities was where it started. By the time I walked over there the whole laundry building was up in flames and it was hot enough that the stairs going up to the closest apartment was on fire, and they are made of stone and metal..."

And from the other person's blog (his name is Dustin Diaz):

"The roof is on Fire!

...And we were doing laundry today.

...My wife was chatting on the phone with an old girlfriend of hers. I said Um...There's a Fire outside...and...we need to leave...What do we take? What do we need? The Wedding pictures, the bike, the guitar, our documents......With all this said, it was quite an interesting day. Firemen everywhere, tentants in the parking lot wondering what's going on, a cop asked me a few questions. Yea, what a day."

New Digital Camera?

Obviously this purchase all depends on having a job soon but I thought I would see if anyone reading this site had any experience with the Konica Minolta Z3? I have been doing research and I'd really like the powerfull zoom and anti-shake capabilities. The 4 Megapixels is plenty good enough for me.

Here is a picture from a review site "Steve's Digicams". They have some great reviews of cameras.

Here is the link to the review of the camera as well

A couple of good places to find good deals I have found are and

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Yup, my official title as of today is Unemployed. I am hopefull that I will have another job soon but there is still no way of knowing.

Dreaming: If I can get a pretty good job, first thing I will obviously get is a car. Then I won't have to bum rides off of people all the time (sorry A.J.).

Next, I would maybe save up a month or so and move out.

Finally I would furnish my new place with what I have dreamed about, a 50+ inch widescreen HDTV (I mean, come on, with all my dvds it's already worth it and it costs less than my laptop did).

MY DVD Collection

Since I am trying to catch up because I haven't had a blog for long, I have a massive dvd collection that I have built up over the last 2+ years. If anyone is interested I have a list that I try and update as often as I can (I haven't updated it in a month, but I will very soon), this is the link:

Friday, January 21, 2005

Last Day of Work

Well it is now officially my last day of work. I have about 2 hrs and 15 min left. It doesn't really seem like it is happening.

I have been working with UCCS for over 4 years (started in Jan. 2001). It probably won't sink in until I am not attending work next week. Hopefully I will get a call back from the web programmer job soon and will know what is going on. Pretty much the last thing I will be doing is going with A.J. in a few min over to Facilities Management to turn in our keys (so we don't have a hold placed on our record and don't get our diplomas). Well that is all for now.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Some Historical Pictures

I borrowed some historical pictures from my grandparent's past. Here they are:

EDIT: I created a page where I can put up the pictures I scan, it is:

I will add more links here when I scan more.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Some Sad News

Today seemed normal enough...until I got off work. I got a ride and assumed my mom would be there but I got in the car and surprisingly it was my dad. I was quite confused and knew something was up. Apparently this morning (or late last night) my grandpa died in his sleep. He lived a long life, 83 years old. He was around much longer than many people thought. He was on dialasys for a few years and seemed to be doing well. It has been all too familiar with funerals this past year or so. My grandma died November 2003 (day after Thanksgiving), my other grandma died the following June, and now my grandpa. I don't really think it has sunk in yet and I'm sure i will seem much more real when we have the funeral (most likely Tuesday). I'm glad he died in his sleep and went peacefully. I will probably be getting some digital scans of old pictures of my grandpa and if that is the case I will post a link to those.

I could probably go on longer but this seems to be enough for now.

Me a photographer?

I thought this picture I took at the only Kings game I've been to this season (Kings vs. Heat) was pretty cool. Timed it when a firework was going off. If anyone happens to see it, let me know what you think (as if anyone will really see this blog).

(click picture for full size)

Also, this is a test for posting pictures as well.

Edit: Well what do you know got something in the mail because I randomly entered this photo in a contest. Apparently it was liked and is going on to be a semi-finalist and will also be included in some book coming out in Summer 2005 (with my permission, no obligation on my part). Sounds kinda cool. We shall see what happens. Who knows, could win some money.

Edit New: Or not, I have searched online and can't find any info about the book that this picture could be published in and a bunch of people feel they were scammed into buying it with nothing to show for it.

The Interview...

What I posted about this aready? Yeah, I know. I just want to try and remember some of the questions for my own benefit (gathering my thoughts, remember my first post)

Let's see, what did we talk about at the interview that I can still remember:
(Keep in mind these are simliar not photographic memory here)
  1. What interested to about AWS (Athlete Web Services)?
  2. Why will you be a good fit for this company?
  3. Do you work well with others?
  4. If you feel a group member was not performing up to task what steps would you take?
  5. Do you comment your code well?
  6. Are you good with other people's code?
  7. Do have any experience in graphic design?
  8. Rate your knowledge (1-10) with C++?
  9. Rate your knowledge (1-10) with Java?
  10. Rate your knowledge (1-10) with PHP?
  11. Rate your knowledge (1-10) with MySQL (SQL Server, MS Access)?
  12. Rate your knowledge (1-10) with XML?
  13. Rate your knowledge (1-10) with ASP?
  14. Rate your knowledge (1-10) with CSS?
  15. Do you have any questions?
I guess I can keep adding to this as I that is what I will do. These are what I remember right now of the to of my head. Oh and here is a lovely link to my up to date resume - "My Resume"

The Real Word?

Well this is my last official week working for UCCS. Friday it going to be my last day because my student status goes away when the next semester starts. It is really strange though because right now nothing has changed and I am still sitting here in the FSRC. I guess it will really sink in next Monday when I won't have work to go to.

Along the same note of work I just completed an interview for a web programmer job here in Sacramento. It was quite interesting because I was contacted by them in December. They actually saw my resume posted on the ECS career website and contacted my by email. When they told me it involved PHP and MySQL it interested me because that is essentially what my senior project group delt with. I also was interested because much of the web type of things I have done I have liked. I could picture myself a web programmer. I need experience in the field and this seems like a great way to do it.

Well on to the interview. Last Thursday was my scheduled interview. Because no one was around my dad left me the car so I could drive myself to the interview (off of Bradshaw Rd.). I figure if I do get the job (or another job) one of the first things I will do is get myself a car. I got there quite early, about 25-30 min, and waited in the car for about 10 min or so, then I made my way in. I was greeted by the President/CEO, Brett Maresca. He had me sit by his desk while he finished up a few things. While sitting there I looked around. There appeared to be 4 rooms (all pretty small), the room I was in with two desks (one with Brett's name on it, the other with no name), a back room with another desk and conference table, a room that was locked, and another room which appears to be where all the programmer's desks are (though I never got to go in and check it out). I think just looking around and seeing the in's and out's of the office actually calmed me down. While waiting a group of programmers (all which appeared to be around my age) came back from lunch. They all said hi to me and that was about it. Then Brett was finally ready for me. He and Dustin Diaz (the lead programmer) where the people who interviewed me. The funny thing there is a few days before the interview when searching for info about the company (AWS-Athlete Web Services) I ran across Dustin's old website and emailed him. He seemed more than willing to answer some of my questions and was very nice. I corresponded a few time with him before the interview. I was sure to let Dustin know who I was before the interview stated and he did remember me (hopefully that acknoledgement helps me at least a little). They were both really nice during the interview and for some reason I really wasn't that nervous. It really reminded me of the interviews that they do for UCCS Lab Assistants, in fact I sat at a table opposite A.J. and Brandon earlier that day (both hire for UCCS) and it was almost a dejavu feeling. The questions were pretty basic, most of which I used my senior project experience as my example. I answered everything the best I could and they seemed interested (though you never know). They thanked me and after almost an hour I was back on the road home. That evening I put together a thank you note and mailed it on Friday (after the 3-day weekend hopefully they received it today sometime). I am very hopefull but at the same time you can never know. Maybe there were many other candidates that interviewed better than myself, maybe they had better qualifications....only time will tell. They said they would be finishing up interviews over the next couple of weeks and that they would make their decision by then. Here's keeping my fingers crossed.

My First Post

I had thought about getting a blog a while back but thought I didn't have time. After talking to A.J. the other day and seeing his new blog I have decided I have time and it is a good way to gather my thoughts. So here it is, lets see what happens....just as the real world begins.