Fox's 24: Great Show!
Currently on television I don't think there are very many good shows on. A lot of what I watch are either sporting events or TV staples like The Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, Arrested Development. My current favorite show though is '24'.

I have been watching it since the beginning and on the overall it is great. In the words of one of my friends, "It's IN..TENSE!!!" It is on Monday nights at 9PM on FOX. If you have never seen it or come into it in the middle of a season it can get a bit confusing because each 1 hour episode is in "real time". 24 episodes = 1 day in the life of Jack Bauer. Season one he stopped an assination attempt, season two he saved LA from an atomic bomb and also prevented the US from going to war with false pretenses, and season 3 he saved the US from a biological threat. Needless to say Jack Bauer has had 3 really bad days. This season so far he is trying to save the secretary of state from being executed by terrorists inside the US (I'm sure there will be more to it after tonight). Check it out, awesome show.
EDIT: Man Tonight's show starts out with a bang and never lets up. Can't wait until next week (thank goodness there are no weeks off this season).
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