The End of 24?... I Think Not.

Well tonight was the season finalie of 24. I do have to say it was good though after 4 seasons of terrorist threats some things are seeming a little repetitive (granted they switch the up a bit to vary it some). Even with that I would have to say this season was probably only second to the first season (as it was extremely orginal back then, especially the "events occur in real time" aspect). With that all said and done the way the season ends you see Jack walking off into the sunset starting a new life with a new identity. Seemed almost like a perfect ending to the series but from things I have read and seen it appears that Fox has already signed on for a 5th season. Could be interesting to see how they manage to bring back Jack (or whatever his new identity is) for next season. Guess we will find out next January.

after he walked off into the sunset they said that it would be back next january.
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