Satelite Tour...
Well I was bored today while waiting for a project to be approved so I went and used google maps satelite capability to go to important places to myself as well as to the country. Hope I'm not boring you...
And here we go...
First, this is my house (I highlighted the house area):

Diamond Lake, Oregon (Where my family when on vacation for many years)...

Next, my elementary school (Thomas Jefferson)...

After that, my junior high school (Kit Carson)...

Then, my high school (Sacramento High School)...

Finally, my college (California State University, Sacramento)...

Now for other notable places...
In Sacramento, the Tower Bridge downtown...

World Trade Center site...

Golden Gate Bridge...

SBC Park (SF Giants)...

Candlestick Park (SF 49ers, interesting if you look a game is going on)...

Oakland Coliseum (Oakland A's)...

Statue of Liberty...

Empire State Building...

The St. Louis Gateway Arch...

Crater Lake, Oregon...

Mt. Shasta...

Mt. St. Hellens...

Disney World...

This one is funny, The White House (Sort of...pixelated for protection)...

The Washington Monument...

And..Area 51...

Maybe more later...
All those and none of Arco?
google satelitte is way fun. a couple weeks ago I was looking at a bunch of places too (but it was more like places were my family and friends live). Its interesting how it looks when you zoom out a lot.
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