Futurama Possibly Returning?
It appears FOX is in talks to come out with new direct to dvd futurama because of high sales and viewership since going off the air a few years back. Here is the info if you are interested:
It appears FOX is in talks to come out with new direct to dvd futurama because of high sales and viewership since going off the air a few years back. Here is the info if you are interested:
Seeing some websites and tv shows on mistakes that make it to air made me want to see if I could find some that they talk about. So here are some captures from the ones that I have found:
Well when I do move out (hopefully soon) I plan on decorating the tv room with posters that are movie/tv related and are either laminated or framed. I've started the collection and this is what I have so far:
Just thought I'd share these lovely stories I ran across that I thought were kinda funny with a Star Wars kick:
Well I saw Episode III last night and I do have to say it blows Episodes I and II out of the water. Got off early from work and made my way over there hoping to beat crowds. Here are a couple of those die hard fans...
Well I do have to say that I am excited to be able to see the final installment of the Star Wars saga. I never really though I would make it to the end like this. I like most others still thing the originals are the best (Episodes IV, V, VI). I can also see justification in some of the changes Lucas made to the orginals for the 1997 re-release of this years dvd release in order to clean up some of the special effect as well as ad some continuity. But then there are some changes that were better originally (some notiables: Adding Hayden Christensen to the end of Return of the Jedi, or Han-Solo shooting second in the bar scene). Still though I am not going to complain much as I find that type of critisim annoying and pointless (just like basketball players arguing calls, like the refs are really going to go back on a call just because they argue...just play the game). On the overall this is a great saga with many interesting characters and for the most part a pretty fluid storyline.
Well yesterday I was stuck driving to and from Rancho Cordova for work in the pouring rain. Wasn't fun, not to mention my inside door latch snapped in half and the window on the driver's side is loose and doesn't seal well. Apparently their were funnel clouds and even 1 weak tornado. Now people from the midwest are used to really big tornados quite often but out here they barely happen... and it's probably the 3rd time this year it has. I saw some funnel clouds on the way home from Rancho but by the time I went home and got my camera there was only really dark clouds... but I guess I will display some of those pics anyways. Enjoy.