Batman Begins

Well I haven't posted anything in a while and most of what I have done lately has been about movies so... "Batman Begins" is coming out in under a week now and I am really looking forward to it. I have already heard great things about it and know the director's work in "Memento" and "Insomnia", both very good movies.
Up to this point I would have to say the best "Batman" was Michael Keaton in the original. This time around the role is played by Christian Bale and it takes place from right after Bruce Wayne's parents are killed and his transformation into what is know as Batman. I haven't really seen Bale in much but from what I have heard he is a good actor. I also know he isn't afraid of taking risky roles as in "American Psycho". He also takes his acting very seriously. Now I want to show you how seriously and it can only be shown in pictures rather than words.
Right before "Batman Begins", Christian Bale was in "The Machinist" where the script called for him to be very skinny (a living skeleton). Well he took that to heart and literally only had an apple and had water each day. He got his weight down to something like 110 lbs and looked like someone right out of a concentration camp:

Then not long after he bulked up and played Batman right afterward.

His body cannot like this treatment. But it does really help take you into the story and for that it is appreciated.
Well that is all for now...
You have only seen 2 batman movies so...
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