Saturday, April 30, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Quote of the Day
"Everybody I've got bad news...We've been cancelled" - Peter Griffin
"Oh, Peter how could they do that?" - Lois Griffin
"Well unfortunately Lois there's just no more room on the schedule. We've just got to accept the fact that FOX has to make room for terrific shows like Dark Angel, Titus, Undeclared, Action, That 80's Show, Wonderfalls, Fastlane, Andy Richter Controls The Universe, Skin, Girls Club, Cracking Up, The Pitts, Firefly, Get Real, Freaky Links, Wanda At Large, Costello, The Lone Gunmen, A Minute With Stan Hooper, Normal Ohio, Pasadena, Harsh Realm, Keen Eddie, The Street, American Embassy, Cedric The Entertainer, The Tick, Louis, and Greg The Bunny" - Peter
"Is there no hope?" - Lois
"Well I suppose if all those shows go down the tubes we might have a shot" - Peter
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Satelite Tour...
Well I was bored today while waiting for a project to be approved so I went and used google maps satelite capability to go to important places to myself as well as to the country. Hope I'm not boring you...
And here we go...
First, this is my house (I highlighted the house area):

Diamond Lake, Oregon (Where my family when on vacation for many years)...

Next, my elementary school (Thomas Jefferson)...

After that, my junior high school (Kit Carson)...

Then, my high school (Sacramento High School)...

Finally, my college (California State University, Sacramento)...

Now for other notable places...
In Sacramento, the Tower Bridge downtown...

World Trade Center site...

Golden Gate Bridge...

SBC Park (SF Giants)...

Candlestick Park (SF 49ers, interesting if you look a game is going on)...

Oakland Coliseum (Oakland A's)...

Statue of Liberty...

Empire State Building...

The St. Louis Gateway Arch...

Crater Lake, Oregon...

Mt. Shasta...

Mt. St. Hellens...

Disney World...

This one is funny, The White House (Sort of...pixelated for protection)...

The Washington Monument...

And..Area 51...

Maybe more later...
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Yeah I Exist....I Think
Well I have pretty much neglected my blog for quite some time now. I will try and see about posting at least once a week from now on, maybe more often depending on how things are going. Let's see what has been going on. Well at work I have been working on a specific webpage for the California Peace Officers' Association. It's still in maybe what you would call beta. It's got a new look from what they used to have but it is still pretty plain and there are information problems. I will be getting information on what needs to be updated and also I will work on some of the asthetics. Oh the website is WWW.CPOA.ORG. Another project that I should be getting soon is an update on a Visual Basic / MS Access Database program. A company called Premier Pools needs some added features to their current setup and I should hopefully get the approval for working on that soon. It was a challenge at first when looking at it since my Visual Basic / Access knowledge is limited at best. I have spent the better part of a week messing around with a local copy of their program and researching online to learn quite a bit. It is actually very fulfilling to go from being a bit clueless to actually understanding how something works in such a short time. Hopefully this will prove my worth to the company and give me a bit of stability. Other than that not much has been going on. Went to the UCDavis Picnic Day last weekend and had a pretty good time. Really nice weather. Also, I went a couple of weeks ago to see Sin City in theaters. Not your typical movie, but a very exceptional movie at that. Let's see, what else. Oh yeah, yesterday managed to snag a couple of tickets for the Kings/Sonics playoff game for next Friday. That will definately be fun. And last I also got a new camera (which will be great to test out at the kings game this week). It is a Canon Powershot S1 IS, 10X optical zoom, Image Stabilization, 3.2 Megapixels (not the greatest by camera standards but plenty good enough for my usage), and possibly the coolest feature it can capture AVI video at 640x480, 30fps with sound. Here is a pic:

I will post pictures here as I take them...
Well that is all for now.
Friday, April 22, 2005
Monday, April 04, 2005
It's Been A While
Well I am back. I have been doing a lot of different things and work and have been lazy when it comes to updating my blog. Maybe I will actually update it more often now? We shall see.
Work has been fine lately. I have been continuing my work on CPOA's website. I now have a baseline ready but we are waiting on the information to direct it to our web server. Once we do this we will have full control of the site. Other than that I will be given a few visual basic programming jobs which should be interesting because I have little experience with it. Should be a learning experience. This has been the same issue with our web server. I have been trying to at least learn the basics of Linux since that is what we have up here. The reason I have been liking the job lately is it has been touching on many different subjects and it is forcing me to actually learn some helpful stills in areas I'm lacking...and in real world situations.
Right now I am unsure of how coherent this blog entry is since my brain is in a non-working mode. Thursday I was at work until 10:30pm working on an upgrade of an access database, work up at 6am the next morning for work, went almost directly from that to helping A.J. move furniture for his parents who got new carpet until 11pm, work up at 8am the next morning to do the same and did that all day, that evening we got together with Adam and some other friends for a friendly game of poker (both myself and A.J. were the winners: Me $10, A.J. $17), then Sunday morning I was woken up at 8:45am (7:45am if you don't count the time change) to get ready to help move some boxes and funiture for my parents, after that I got gas for my car and got a haircut, next went back to A.J.'s parents to get the majority of the rest of the moving done, when to Cattlemen's, and finally finished up with what we could with the furniture moving, I got home and watched some tv until 10pm and went to bed, now I am at work which I woke up at 6am for. I am exausted....dsafldpanewapownfawasd;f...hopefully next week I can go check out Sin City in the theaters and sleep in as much as possible.
Well that is all for now.