Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Well I Am Still Unemployed

Like I had mentioned about 2 and a half weeks ago I interviewed for a position at Athlete Web Servies (AWS). Well they had told me I would be contacted in about 2 weeks. I decided that no matter what I need to call. Well I did. He told me that he was impressed by my interview but that I was lacking some skills that they wanted and another person was more qualified. He then said that he would like to keep my information on file and that there might be a position opening up in a month or so and he would give me a call if that happened. Needless to say I was a bit dissapointed. So right after that I called up another place and had them send me an application in the mail. It is a Network Administrator job that includes a lot of things I have done on my own and at UCCS (installing software, adding hardware, etc., networking). Also, the other day I submitted an application for a ITC job at CSUS. Today I sent an email to a person I got to know that works on the same floor where I worked. He said he knows the Dean of the department where the job is available and he would put in a good word for me tomorrow.

I will keep trying my best to get employed and be as positive as I can. Only time will tell.


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