Let's see we start with Thursday night. A.J. and I went to the driving range since I desperately need to work on my golf swing. Tried fixing a few things and had some good hits... though also some terrible shots. After that we usually finish up on the putting green with chipping and putting. Well this time out I made some pretty good chips and ended the day making 2 chip-ins in a row surpassing anything I've ever done before. Then to top it off I hit a last good shot and missed a 2-foot putt... eh, no one is perfect I guess.
Friday I didn't do much other than sleep in and get some new clothes, some of which I planned on wearing for being and extra in Regan's brother's movie. That night though Regan gave me a call and told me that the shoot was put off till 3pm instead of 10am. In the end only me, A.J., Scott, Steve, Eduardo, and Brian went because of the change.
Saturday we all got together and went to the shoot. We parked at one church and they bussed us over to the place where they were actually doing the shoot. Once we got there we all signed in. They provided drinks and snacks and pretty much for a few hours we waited. They then called us all out to the front of the church to shoot a scene with the coffin and a hurse. They took a couple of shots of military officers putting the coffin in the hurse but by the time they were going to shoot the crowed it was too dark. We all ended up being sent back indoors to wait till the shoot inside the church. Inside some select people got cards with A, B or C on it meaning the front 3 rows. A.J. got a B but it was taken away and Scott, Brian, A.J. and Eduardo got C's but Steve and I got nothing. We then proceeded to wait many hours. Later on they passed out cards for the rest of the rows. After more waiting they announced that people should plan on being there to 10:30pm and if they couldn't stay they could leave. A bunch of people left including Steve while the rest of us stayed. Finally around 8:20pm or so (my memory may be wrong, it may have been a little later) they finally called us into the church. Cards were literally meaningless since so many left so at first we were seated in the back, then we got to go up to row C, then myself, A.J., Eduardo and Brian were literally taken to the back row spacing people out to look like the church was full on camera. We were pretty miffed once getting moved back but literally only 2 rows in front both Lou Diamond Philips and Carlos Alazraqui (from Reno 911) were seated. We then got seated one more row back since we weren't willing to stay beyond midnight but were possibly stil in view. They did lot of cuts from many angles for different characters and action shots. Lou and Carlos joked around a lot when the cameras where off including Lou singing for all the extra. It was quite funny and intertaining. Both guys seem like they are pretty cool guys (Regan even talked about playing catch with them outside earler that day... bastard). At one point during the shooting Lou had a line where he stood up and talked about what they person who had died meant to him (which is probably the only time that we may have been on camera). In another shot up front where Scott still was he may be on camera at least a little as well. We finally got to leave and head back to the car at about 11pm (literally an 8 hour day instead of the 4-5 hours that they told us in the beginning). When we got back to the car Regan was there and told me that I was on camera during Lou's speech which I am siked about :). Hopefully that cut will make it into the film and I will someday get a dvd where I can say hey there I am for those few seconds. Regan invited us to his place but most of us were beat after such a long day so we headed back. I do have to say it was quite an interesting time and pretty cool to see how a movie comes together.

Now comes Sunday which to one point was pretty uneventful until around I think 3ish my dad calls. Apparently he was waiting to turn from Watt Ave to Butano in front of mall there when a silver expedition ran a red light and a blue dodge durango ran into it causing the expedition to spin out. In its spinning it takes out part of the front of my dad's car as well as knocks over the stop light. Keep in mind other than my car this our only good working car. My dad stays around talks to the police but manages to drive the car home (though he now has to get in and out of the passenger's side door). The front is pretty messed up and it will be fun dealing with insurance to get it fixed I'm sure. Thank god he wasn't hurt though. I guess I may have to give up my car sometime this week so people can get places. Here are some lovely pics I took: