Fun Car Issues
First, this isn't actually to do with my car but the two cars my parents drive.
This is a bit after the fact but a couple of weeks ago when my brother was putting his bike in the garage he saw a car driving slowly down the street. All of the sudden he hears a loud scraping noise and tires peeling out. Apparently that person had clipped the side of one of our cars putting a nice dent in the side, bending back the side-view mirror, and even denting and popping off the hubcap. The person then preceded to speed off right through a 4-way stop without stopping. My brother was unable to get a license plate number. It just bugs me that someone would just drive off like that and not take responsibility. Here is a lovely picture of the side of the car:

Then when you think that is all that can happen, last week my mom parked her car in the Raley's parking lot near Folsom Blvd and then took the train from there downtown for a haircut. Apparently during broad daylight someone decided to comepletely bash out the back windshield. Now I could see that happen if the car was parked there overnight or something, but this was in the middle of the day in a very busy parking lot (somewhere between 10-1). Fun stuff. Here is a picture of that as well:

Now that I am done, venting, back to work...
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